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An update on NLC meetings and offices

January 18, 2022

The NLC's Accountable Authority* has issued a Direction to NLC staff that all meetings scheduled by the NLC will be postponed until further notice.

The NLC’s elected councillors and many constituents have clearly expressed to us that they want to stop all NLC meetings until the COVID-19 situation stabilises. 

Further, the NLC has directed staff that, wherever possible, they work from home. 

These steps are taken because there is a risk that staff and constituents who come together for an NLC meeting could give one another COVID-19 even if the NLC takes every precaution such as rapid antigen testing, mask wearing, hand-washing and social distancing. 

The NLC is mindful of its fundamental duty to take whatever measures are reasonably available to help protect the lives and interests of its staff, the many people and organisations with whom we work and most importantly, traditional owners and residents on Aboriginal land. 

The NLC supports the NT Government’s efforts to effectively manage the outbreak of COVID-19 in Aboriginal populations, including by complying with the lockouts and other measures ordered by the Chief Health Officer (CHO) under emergency declarations made pursuant to the Public and Environmental Health Act 2011 (NT). 

NLC staff members have been encouraged to examine alternative ways of facilitating consultation with constituents, including through virtual meetings via teleconference or videoconference. 

The NLC will monitor the ongoing COVID-19 situation in the Top End on a daily basis and will revoke or vary the Direction as soon as conditions allow. 

The NLC will make every effort to continue to provide services during this time. 

A free-call number and contact numbers for the NLC’s Regional offices are included below. 

As these offices may be short-staffed during this time we ask you to be patient. 

* The NLC’s Accountable Authority consists of the Chairman, Mr Samuel Bush-Blanasi and the CEO, Mr Joe Martin-Jard as required under Section 46 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013.

“Stay Calm, Stay Safe, Stay on Country and Care for Family.”

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