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Our Land, Our Life, Our Stories - Welcome to our blog, a place to share stories from across the Top End of the Northern Territory. Check back in periodically to find new articles.

Media releases

01 Jul, 2024
It is with great sadness that the Northern Land Council (NLC) acknowledges the passing of Mr. T Wurramarrba AO, former Chairman of the Anindilyakwa Land Council (ALC).
Aboriginal Sea Country. Photo: NLC
19 Jun, 2024
Commitments by Territory Labor and the CLP to phase out commercial gillnet fishing present a renewed opportunity. Government must strengthen engagement with Traditional Owners and industry stakeholders to chart the way for a thriving fisheries future.
Roper Bar
17 Jun, 2024
The Northern Land Council backs Traditional Owners of the Roper River catchment calling for a Northern Territory Government rewrite of the appalling Draft Mataranka Water Allocation Plan.
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Minyeri Billabong
14 Jun, 2024
The current draft Plan does not provide enough information and safeguards for the NLC to have confidence that the rights and interests of Traditional Owners and Aboriginal people in the region will be met, or that the proposed total allowable extraction and licensing arrangements will keep the Mataranka region and downstream along the Roper River catchment safe.
Much of the land that the NTG wishes to open for mineral development
30 May, 2024
Much of the land that the NTG wishes to open for mineral development is customarily and legally under the control of Aboriginal landowners and cannot be developed without their consent.
20 May, 2024
The National Water Initiative is the shared government blueprint that underpins management of Australia’s water resources, created 2004 and agreed by the Australian Government and all states and territories.
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14 Dec, 2023
Australia's oldest Aboriginal newspaper, telling stories from remote Aboriginal lands across the Northern Territory.
18 Aug, 2023
Australia's oldest Aboriginal newspaper, telling stories from remote Aboriginal lands across the Northern Territory.
06 Jan, 2023
Australia's oldest Aboriginal newspaper, telling stories from remote Aboriginal lands across the Northern Territory.
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01 Feb, 2023
Deborah Jones is a Ngaliwurru/ Nungali woman who lives at Timber Creek. Her traditional land is Wanimin Yirijpirnti, in the upper Victoria River area.
25 Jan, 2023
Since the first agreement over Territory parks 30 years ago at Nitmiluk— between Traditional Owners and the NT Parks and Wildlife Commission—there has been little coordinated planning, often poor management, and mixed government response to Aboriginal peoples inclusion to park management.
20 Jan, 2023
Since 2021, the Northern Land Council’s Wagiman Rangers have been working closer with their communities, neighbouring Ranger groups, local non-Aboriginal land managers and land-owners and external consultants and scientists to establish a sustainable fire and land management regime throughout their traditional lands.
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