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Malak Malak Traditional Owners launch Healthy Country Plan

September 25, 2020

The Malak Malak ranger base came to life last Tuesday 15 September with the ranger group hosting the long awaited launch of the Malak Malak Healthy Country Plan.

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Amos Shields and Andrea Brown

More than 50 Malak Malak and Matngele Traditional Owners from the Daly River region and beyond gathered with other interested parties to celebrate the completion of this valued community document.

Many heart-warming speeches were delivered on the day, including a touching and emotional summary by Terry Mahney, the principle planning consultant, on how the Malak Malak Healthy Country Plan keeps the caring for country aspirations of Traditional Owners alive.

The Plan was driven by the Malak Malak Traditional Owners with the purpose of providing guidance to the next generation to ensure the land and culture remains healthy into the future.

The Healthy Country Plan is dedicated to the memory of Albert Myoung, who sadly passed before the Plan’s development. Mr Myoung started the Malak Malak Ranger and Land Management program in 2000.

He's quoted as saying: “When I was a young fella this country was really good - just natural".

The NLC Caring for Country branch and the TO’s would like to gratefully acknowledge the funding contribution from Fisheries NT.

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