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Northern Australia First Nations Alliance formed to represent First Nations interests in the North

September 28, 2023

The formation of the Northern Australia First Nations Alliance (the Alliance) was yesterday ratified at a meeting in Darwin, Northern Territory.

Established in response to the differing needs and experiences of First Nations peoples in the north of Australia compared to the country’s southern states, the Alliance is a peak body for the land councils and native title representative bodies of northern Australia. 

The Alliance launched with a charter that outlines its vision, mission, and goals. 

The Alliance’s objectives are to: 

  • Establish a peak body for the land councils and native title representative bodies of northern Australia 
  • Represent and advocate for the unique interests of First Nations in the north 
  • Be the first point of contract for government and industry stakeholders in relation to regional or national policy initiatives related to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander land and sea management, land rights, native title, and heritage protection in northern Australia 
  • By agreement, provide further institutional support for existing policy initiatives regarding First Nations land and sea interests in northern Australia 
  • Provide a forum for ongoing communication and mutual support among Members and their constituents in relation to land rights, native title, land and sea management, and heritage protection in northern Australia 
  • The Alliance’s launch is a significant development for the united representation of First Nations peoples in northern Australia. It will provide a unified voice for the region’s First Nations people and facilitate strong advocacy for the interests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups. 

“The Northern Australia First Nations Alliance is a new and exciting chapter in the history of our region. We are united by our shared commitment to representing and advocating for the unique interests of First Nations in the north. We are excited to work with government and industry to create a better future for all of our people,” said Mr Richie Ah Mat, Chairman of Cape York Land Council and spokesperson for the Alliance. 

The Alliance’s founding members are the Cape York Land Council, Gur A Baradharaw Kod Sea and Land Council, Kimberley Land Council, Northern Land Council, North Queensland Land Council, and Northern Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance.

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